Well Its Christmas and I cant stop crying. I miss my baby boy so much and I dont get him for Christmas!! I just want him home with me where he belongs. Today is kinda depressing for me. I dont get to spend every waking moment with Gabriel like I would like to. I will not sign over my rights. I will not give up my son. And anybody that thinks that they can take him away from me has another thing coming. 
Mommy Loves you and misses you so so much Gabriel!!!
Was just informed that I dont get to see my boy for Christmas. This is his 2nd Christmas I have missed because of the state of Kansas. The first one was because a vindictive ex. All I wanted was to spend the day with my boy. Thats all I wanted for Christmas. But apparently that is too damn much to ask for from TFI!!! 
Karma will come around and bite those in the ass that have done me wrong and stabbed me in the back. Plus kept me from my son.
I had my weekly visit with my precious son today. I also found out that I dont get him for Christmas because Ms. Sherry Sisney's boss said it was a no go. She said she would talk to Gabriel's foster mom about me spending a few hours with him Sunday. 
It isnt fair. I already missed his 1st Christmas thanks to a vindictive ex. And now they want me to miss another holiday? Plus many more holidays since they are threatening to sever my rights. I have done nothing wrong but yet I am still being treated like a horrible mom.
I just want to cry. All I want for Christmas is to spend it with Gabriel. But apparently to TFI that is way too damn much to ask for!!!
Tuesday morning I awoke to a painful earache. I ended up going to the doctor. He told me that I had the beginning of an ear infection. He put me on medicine for the infection and ear drops. He then advised me to stay inside out of the rain and cold weather. I called TFI Wednesday morning to cancel my visit. Ms. Sherry Sisney was out of the office or in a meeting. Ms. Mandy Wright was also out. I left a message for either one of them identifying who I was and where I could be reached. I was near the phone all day and heard nothing in return. 
I called the following afternoon and Sherry was in. I requested to have Gabriel for Christmas. I gave her all the information as to what was going on for family plans for that day. She told me she would have to contact her boss and get a hold of me Monday. Well, low and behold today is Tuesday. I was down all day yesterday and near the phone all day and never received a call. And here I sit still by the phone waiting for a return call as to whether or not my son can spend Christmas with his REAL family. Not the "family" the state is providing for him which they think is better for him. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Visit day is upon us once more. Yet 5 days til Christmas and no word on if I can have my one true gift in life for the day! 
I shall keep you posted on the event of how the rest of the week plays out. 

Keep your eyes open for new blogs and posts!!!
God Bless. 
Tired of feeling like nobody listens to you when it comes to letting your story be heard? Tell your story here and I will try to help fix the injustices that have been done to us. I cant do it on my own though. Many voices are more powerful than one!!!
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